Welcome to Ventum Kiteboarding Australia

Australia's Best Value Kite Surfing Shop

Ventum is a niche brand with focus on quality, durability and service.
We are the Australian agents for Ventum Kitesurfing Products. If your looking for the BEST PRICE on this years, current model Kitesurfing Kites and Equipment , you've come to the right place!
Brand new kite surfing kites at secondhand prices ✌

The new range is here! After 10 years of developing and testing + endless research in materials, we can honestly say that we are proud of the resulting products. No corners were cut, this is truly a range with peak performance and durability. All products are live on the website, and the following weeks we will be showcasing them on our Socials. #flywithus

Official Demo Locations

Our first Official Demo location is SoulKite Kitesurfing School, Perth
SoulKite has a full range of Demo kites in Standard and Advanced series.

Schools are an important partner for Ventum.
Big or small, we have a single program for you!

Ventum School Program